Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Here we go again..

Life is full of drama. that's what people said. well, somehow i do believe that life is indeed a drama. many things happened in our daily life. things we like, things we adore, things that blow our mind, et cetera. 


-To be continued-

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Things I Love

Grab it from Tumblr :D

Bedroom Makeover :D

I was planning to do makeover for my bedroom. I want it to be the real cozy place for me to chill out with my series of books, novels and also a place for me to do my work. But the idea of squeezing all of the element in one main element is quite hard. I want few colours to be combined in the room. Each wall with different colours. The furniture also need to be replaced with few new ones. I need to add up some more items just to complete all the elements that i need. 

Well, i did browse through the internet searching for the ideas on how to change the look of my bedroom. Here's a link if you want to (click here).. And here is one of the picture. 

It does look elegant. Undeniably. But I personally thinks it suits guy better than girls. 

This is cute but naah...not this one. 

This almost looks like how i picture my future bedroom. This is cool! Except for the colours. I want it to be more colours of nature. But, purple is quite cute also. 

I need bookshelves. Few of them for me to store up all my books. :D Like this one :

Alright. Alright. Gonna be busy for a while. Gonna browse for some more pictures :D

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wordpress memeningkan kepalaku!

Konon la kan aku nak serius dengan blog2 ni..alih2 aku pulak yang stress nak aturkan page2 dkt wordpress.com. pening aku dibuatnya..alamatnya ni, blogspot and tumblr je la yang aku ada ye? 

It's raining.

Now, where's my John Grisham's and a mug of my warm cappuccino? 


first and foremost, warmest congratulations to my so-called sister Sharifah Lina Khaliesah for her wedding last week. :) so happy for her. ktorang da kenal for almost a year now :) she's a young lady with a great spirit and she's a fashionable one! :D and the lucky guy is Abang Ibrahim :D he's a muscular one and he's nice! very very nice. :)

this is the picture where both of us participate in Yayasan Sarawak World Style English Debating Championship last year (2010) where she acted as an adjudicator and i'm as a debater. see my hair there, doesn't mean to brag about it but i do adore my hair over there..*giggles*

and another congratulations is to Mr.Sukri Ali's team as they were the First Runner Up in  urmm..let's just say Bowling occasion with their faculty. lol. i don't know the exact activity actually. :) but anyway, i'm happy for his team..finally paid off..eh jap, diorang ada practice ke? bwahaha..bowling je pon.. :P
Gambar yang kununnya macho. -________-'

lagi, saper yang nak aku congrats dia hari ni? heheh..

and oh..i guess i need a lil bit of appreciation myself for the proposal to go for Borneo Cup Debating Championship next Friday though i'm not going. :( *puppy face* but i don't care anyway. i still got a chance to appear next year. :) BC will be held starting on the 25th until 29 of March. But, there's a but over there. ramai yang macam taleh pergi..*sighs* even me either. it's a dream come true actually. tapi nak buat mcm mne kan? :)

~Familia Mea~

That is my youngest brother :) he's totally..urm..idk...muscular? bwahahaha :P

Actually both of us share the same hobby that is Camwhoring indeed :D

I'm back at home.

Fuh. finally. akhirnya aku dapat memasuki laman yang sering kali melalaikan aku. nevertheless,will never be abandoned. :) and oh! Broadband sucks! xkiralah celcom ke maxis ke digi ke, sama je semua. *mode sengal* dah dah..itu semua tak kira sah sekarang..

And now i'm at home. =) i'm happy. I can finally meet Bobo, Osama and Kecik..and of course my hamsters.. :D ahh! so adorable. and once again i need to be reminded about my assignments due this Monday..sigh..guess that maybe i need to start doing it tomorrow. Nasib baik Taking off for basement je..hehe..haippp...jgn underestimate ye? agak payah gak la..kalau xpaham concept..takpe..esok kita start buat ye? disamping kucing2 and hamsters kesayangan :D

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The hardest decision this year. *faints*


LOVE is my LIFE 

This two different things are the one that i admire in my life which obviously i won't leave them just like that. But unfortunately when it comes to the part where i have to decide between both ; which one i should go for, well that's hard. :(

Debate: I grow up with it. Joined it since last 6 years. Been through many things together. But this time, it's Sabah. I know i can always go to Sabah. But this time, i'll be there with many people. Many people that i xpernah jumpa pun sebelum ni. *sighs* friends are going. I know it would be fun. Not only because it's so called vacation while debating. It's debating. I miss the 30 minutes preparation. I miss listening to oral adjudication with boring face. I miss every single thing about debate. Haven't got a chance to go for debate outside of Sarawak this time. *sighs* debate is my passion. I really wanna go.


Love. I booked ticket to KL. I wanna meet him..but again. *sighs* problem never leaves us kan? malas la nak cakap. paham sendiri la ye?

and sekarang. aku dipersalahkan ke sebab bajet Borneo Cup lulus and trip korang xlulus. aku ke yang patutnya dipersalahkan? kenapa tanak tanya HEP? 

The Partner

*glance at my bookshelf saw a book by John Grisham-The Partner*

But this time it's not about how handsome John Grisham is or how great his book is.

Whenever we talk about partner..the first thing that came into our mind is couple,relationship,love and the missing puzzle in our life. However, banyak benda kita kena faham and get ready before kita be in a relationship. Sometimes, benda yang kita buat tu boleh menyebabkan orang patah hati, tawar hati and sedih sebab kita.

Kalau tanak orang call masa tgh main game, kalau tanak orang mengadu sedih-sedih,nangis2,,takyah la couple. Senang je kan? cakap memang senang dik. tapi melaluinya payah.

and sekarang ni..Borneo cup dah confirm dapat pergi. tapi masalahnya, aku pergi ke? :( sedih..sabah kan? aku nak sangat pergi sabah.. tp masalahnya aku da confirmkan tiket nak pg KL. happy memang happy sebab jumpa insan tersayang..tapi kan, rasa2nya dihargai tak apa yang kita buat tu nanti?

dahla malas nak sambung..hujan lebat kat luar..siap ada guruh dengan kilat lagi :( *dasar penakut*

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

*malas nak fikirkan title*

Nak kata aku berdrama? Nak kata aku buat perangai? Lantak pi la..kau xkenal aku lagi. Aku hanya mampu bersabar everytime kau kata itu ini pasal aku. But this time, I'll shut up my mouth and let you talk, let you do whatever you wanna do. eh,wait..bukan you always do whatever you wanna do ke? penat sangat kan? nak tidur kan> nak buat apa je..ikut suka lah. dah give up. kadang2 sixth sense aku ni sense benda2 xelok akan jadi or tgh jadi. xtau la nak trust kan kau ke x. I'm sorry.

Kepercayaan aku mulai goyah. Aku mula rasa hilang punca. Aku mula rasa apa yang aku buat ni sia-sia belaka. Nak kata takde appreciation,kau seperti mampu menyembunyikan segalanya dibawah permaidani empuk.

Kata-kata mu mula buat aku goyah, mula buat aku rasa dipermainkan. mula buat aku rasa benda ni semua sia-sia. mula rasa apa yang aku buat ni takde maknanya. Aku hanya meluah. Tapi nanti kau takkan dengar...Kau takkan mampu untuk memujuk kembali hati yang dah mula hilang percaya pada kau.

Dahla. Malas nak membebel. *grab towel* malas nak layan emosi yang tak stabil dan perangai yang tak serupa apa yang kau bilang dulu. Maafkan aku.

p/s: kalau aku dah sayang,aku sayang betul. tapi, bila aku dah hilang percaya,takkan adanya peluang untuk mengutuhkan kembali kepercayaanku. Aku bukan berdrama. Plus, Life is a great yet full with bullshit dramas.


Regrets can Kill

Regret comes in all shapes and sizes. Some small like when we do a bad thing for a good reason Some are bigger like when we let down a friend Some of us escape pain and regret by making the right choice Some of us have little time for regret because we’re looking forward Sometimes we have to fight to come to turn to forget the past and sometimes we bury our regret and promise to change our ways. But our biggest regrets are not from the things we did but from the things we didn’t do, didn’t say that could save someone we care about Especially when we can see the dark storm decided their way.

-One Tree Hill 

Monday, March 14, 2011

now. now. now. what should i do?

In Korea, they say it "ottohke" which means What should I do? The monthly visitor has finally come and treating me pretty badly. I can't do anything except for cuddling with my blanket. It's cold like crazy and i feel like wanna sleep. But, this painful feeling forbid me from doing so.

Sekarang,terasa nak makan Burger McDonalds. Kalaulah ada bestfriends ku, confirm masa ni ktorang dah pergi. :( missing them so much. But yeah hidup kena diteruskan. So, McD anyone?

P/s: perempuan teringin nak macam2 ye bila period? 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Air Mata Mengalir Lagi

Tanpa ku sedari, mengalir lagi air mata sebaik sahaja terdengar suara pilu seorang ayah. Yang dahulunya melakukan berbagai cara demi mencari sesuap nasi untuk santapan kita seharian. Yang dahulunya pilu sebak di pagi raya sewaktu mengucup pipi mulus kecil kita. :(

Besarnya pengorbanan ayah. Walaupun tidak setaraf ibu, ayah kau tetap insan yang bernama lelaki pertama yang ku cintai. Now, i will never tell you peeps on what exactly happened. Biarlah menjadi rahsia di hati yang hanya akan ku kongsikan kepada certain people sahaja.

Now, ones told me that i have to be strong this time. Only this time. It's the matter of standing back on your own after you lose. But bear in mind, standing up again after that, that matters most. Later, you will realize what you did now is actually your personal achievement. It sounds like as if we're not done yet with life isn't it?

Ever think of giving up? Ever think of losing confidence in the midst of your life? In the midst of your journey? Now,should we give up hope? Should we be so silly and stop in the middle of the journey?

And what will happen aftermath? What will happen if we stay and keep on going? What will happen if we stop and look back? Don't we feel hurt in the end?

So, should we stop? Should we sit for a while and think? Should we compare between both pathways? What will be the pros and cons? Do we get benefit in the end? Will we get what we want? What will happen to ourselves after this few years? What will happen in future later?

Persoalan yang hanya mampu dijawab oleh akal fikiran yang matang, yang duduk di tepi tingkap melihat jauh ke dalam hati apa yang akan terjadi dan yang telah terjadi. Persoalannya, adakah kita akan berjaya? Semuanya akan terjawab sedikit demi sedikit dan pada ketika itulah kita akan sedar bahawasanya kita sudah menginjak ke dunia dewasa.

Nature sudah berubah. Personality Development dan Building Character yang dipelajari akan mula mengambil alih tempat childish act ketika itu. Yang mula menyinari adalah seorang insan yang tidak akan mengaku kalah, yang tidak akan berputus asa walaupun sudah banyak kali tumbang di bumi yang nyata. Yang sudah banyak kali mengalirkan air mata di bibir sejadah di Subuh hari. Yang banyak kali merenung kembali atas apa kesilapan dan kealpaan diri.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, berikanlah aku kekuatan untuk melalui dugaan ini. Berkatilah perjalananku dalam menempuhi alam dewasa ini demi mencari siapa diriku yang sebenar Ya Allah. izinkan lah aku belajar dari kesilapan lalu. Izinkanlah aku menapak lebih jauh dalam dunia ini tanpa melupakan diri-Mu Ya Tuhanku. Semoga ayahku pergi dan balik dalam keadaan yang selamat. Amin Ya Rabbal Al-Amin

P/s: hanya menyampaikan sekelumit kesedihan di hati

*Ignore typos dan kesilapan tatabahasa*

Friday, March 11, 2011

and yes for the fake friendship issue

and somehow i truly agrees with what kiki has said.. on the bestfriend and beastfriend issue. 

Besties =)

okay here..now tika dan saatnya..

jeng jeng jeng...

i wanna show u guys something that is very valuable in my life besides my family.

The name is Kiki. our full name are actually almost the same. still remember how we met in the first time. she said stuff about me and i said stuff about her and now, we clique! =) besties ever. and oh..she was having fever the moment we snapped this picture. :( poor her and oh i miss her like crazyyyy :D
Here is the three of us. Terence, Kiki and me. :D

okay. this is supposed to be the debate family picture but somehow idk where did i put it so yeah. BJ,me and Jeff :D
(during Yayasan Sarawak World Style English Debating Championship 2010)

The last 2 pictures are from Kuching Debate League. i was the adjudicator from our university atm. it was a blast! :D wish kiki were here too.

It's Friday again! yeayy

okay.tiime to start nagging and complaining. :D

well, that's the function of blog right? meluah and expressing yourself. hehe.. first and foremost..morning! =) just woke up around 10 something and straight away sit in front of the laptop sending emails and registration form to UMS. For borneo cup of course. now, i'm worried fark! what if the proposal being approved and we can actually go for BC? what will happened? oh my..i don't want to postpone my plan.. :( please hep please..let us go for something else. not now :( not bc..*prays* okay..enough with that..

Now, why does sometimes i don't feel like needed? why sometimes i feel like being used by another party? why sometimes i feel like i'm actually not exist in this league? and oh..why do i care again? why do i even bother? T_T

enough with rantings. u girl, need to take your bath now!

p/s: malas nak breakfasst laaaa =.=''

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Here comes Wednesday! =)

It's Wednesday and it's the day that every juniors hate. and why? because ada koku.hehe..erm and me? after class 10-1 pm we had debate meeting for KDO organization. and guess what? i was being appointed as Site AJK which means i need to book the places for the debate later on and places for tabbing room and secretariat room. and oh btw, KDO stands for Kenyalang Debate Open which we will organize again this year =)

And i'm so lazy to do many things today..tapi apa2 pun dah rendam baju sebab nanti nak basuh..nak jadi budak baik sikit hari ni..sebab hari2 sebelumnya malas sangat nak basuh! hehe..and nak cari gak motions for debate training malam esok! hehe..

p/s: nak buat teh satu jag kecik perlu satu ke dua uncang teh ye? *confused*

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

iPad Mania Contest 2011

First and foremost i'm just helping to promote here to all of you ipad lover. this is a chance for you to exposed your talent in web design to win ipad. just click here to get more information.

and oh this contest started on last Jan 15th and it will ends on the March 15th 2011. so, grab your chance now!

best of lucks!

Maxis oh Maxis

Issue 1 : sampai bila kau nak buat hal ah? sengal je tau x? takkan kat Perak je ko buat hal kot..asal korang xbuat maintenance ah? kang hilang customer baru tau. padan muka..kang aku bengang karang aku sound dekat korang pye HQ br tau..dah 5 hr da mcm ni.. sabar je laaa

Issue 2: ke bopren aku ni switch off phone dia? kang aku ragu2 karang..ni yang aku xsuka bila long distance punya relationship. menduga kesabaran betul la! hishh... :( shana sabar shana sabar ye?

Issue 3: cepat2 lah maxis fiz balik problem ni. sengal laaa...aku nak contact orang pun taleh. lain la kalau kau compensate aku xpe gak! hishhhhh

*ketuk huruf2 dekat keyboard kuat2*

Aku bosan!

Tetiba rasa macam nak potong rambut lagi.. hurm..potong pendek boleh x?

Friday, March 4, 2011


Today is Friday and it's the day that i don't have class after Tuesday.Today will be the first day of Malaysian Debate Open which is obviously we didn't go for it and i hate it so much :(
i wanna go...i mean i know how hard that is..i know how lack are we in debating skills not like someof the debaters from somewhere. *annoyed* sometimes i just feel like wanna say this to you

" hey,it's people rights if they wanna go for it. they think about experience not only winning. if they win, it's a bonus. " *annoyed*

sorry, i think today is the best day for me to tell people what i feel all this time.. to people whom i think i care for them..to people that i admire so much..

the first one would be this MRS.: i know that she's quite intense on what has happened in the past but seriously aren't we supposed to be not involved in this case? i mean we are still young we aren't supposed to get involved in this. *sigh* if what she want is just telling me what she feels that would be just fine but sort if dragging us into that..naah..that's not cool

next..to "you" : you know who you are if you read this. i do like u..i mean yeah..i like u..in a sense as friends only..that's all. but the problem is..i don't know u anymore..maybe before this yeah i know u well, that was couple of years ago and suddenly you look like somehow blaming me on what has happened between u and me...seriously, are you gonna blame me for being so busy and not texting me or i'm not replying ur messages?

i have my own life as well..we're friends. so, if i did not reply your messages, that's mean im busy or u know doing my own work..i can't text u 24/7..we ain't couple..so,please get the fact right.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Random ones

SO, today is Tuesday and i don't have class on Tuesday. what a bliss.. but *shook head* i have few things to be settled down. Letters for KDO, notes, assignment due tomorrow..oh great. yes indeed.