Bumi yang kita duduk ni indah. Ciptaan Yang Maha Esa. Tak salah kalau kita view sekejap kan?
Dalam dunia ni banyak je tempat-tempat yang indah, menarik yang kita tak tahu atau buat-buat tak tahu. We prefer Apples, Blackberries, Iphones to accompany us rather than spending time under the tree while sniffing the fresh air. Okay, sniffing aren't the best word but you get what i meant. :)
If there's a chance, a big big huge chance for me to go to these places and see for myself, I won't say NO. I just go because you know what, these places are awesome enough to keep me mesmerized. Shall we? And sambil itu kita bersyukur lah ye dengan apa yang kita ada sekarang walaupun clearly stated dalam Al-Quran it won't be ours for infinity. But, it's ain't a sin if we just sit back, relax and mengkagumi ciptaan Illahi :)
First is Plitvice Lakes National Park located at the Southest Europe and it is the largest national park in Croatia. Sape-sape tak tahu kat mana Croatia, you are welcome to click here. Plitvice Lakes National Park ni ada limestone caves and makes 16 lakes and which make it more precious is that bila kena matahari air yang ada dalam lakes tersebut shimmering je and trust me you won't get your eyes of them :). Here, i'll provide you with few pictures that are obviously aren't mine as i took them from somewhere in one of the land of sources.

Nice kan? aku pun terpana sebentar. Baru gambar beb! Belum tengok dengan mata kepala sentuh dengan jari jemari sendiri, lagilah terpana terkaku aku!
Subhanallah. Indahnya ciptaan Allah.
Next is Taj Mahal. Sape tak tau Taj Mahal kena baca balik sejarah cinta la jawabnya. Taj Mahal ni dah diisytiharkan oleh UNESCO sebagai salah satu Tapak Warisan Sedunia yang clearly kita kena lindungi :) Taj Mahal was being constructed in the year of 1632 and fully furnished somewhere in 1648. Seramai 200,000 labours were in this building team the moment it was being constructed involving seorang ustaz yang bernama Ustaz Ahmad yang personally being nominated by Shah Jahan himself. Dengan design yang sirayes menarik yang diperbuat daripada high class mosaic dan jugak ada 43 jenis batu permata yang dihias indah dalam Taj Mahal ni. :) Kita semua tahu kenapa Taj Mahal dibina kan? So, aku rasa tak perlulah aku explain. Ke nak aku explain jugak? yela..yela..aku baik sikit hari ni. Taj Mahal dibina oleh Shah Jehan (tuan empunya Taj Mahal ni) sebagai memperingati isteri nya yang kelima setelah meninggal dunia sewaktu melahirkan anak mereka. Wah! Cinta kan? Kalau omputih cakap, How Sweet.. Kalau aku pun. *berangan sebentar* hehe..
Ni lah Taj Mahal yang berkonsepkan senibina Islam serta menggabungkan design dari Turki, India dan Parsi.
Cantik kan? :)
Walaupun Taj Mahal ni buatan manusia, kita kena ingat jugak tanpa izin Allah, benda ni takkan siap and jadi tumpuan orang ramai macam ni.
Third is the Northern Lights or dalam Bahasa Malaysia nya aku sebut sebagai Cahaya Utara.
One of the greatest authors in this world dah tulis satu buku pasal Northern Lights ni. Aku sendiri tak pernah baca lagi tapi aku tahu buku dia informative gila. ( agak-agak je ). Macam mana terjadi nya Northern Lights ni, aku sendiri baca dari Wikipedia and aku copy paste untuk korang baca bagi mereka-mereka yang malas nak open new tab and type in Wikipedia.
Auroras result from emissions of photons in the Earth's upper atmosphere, above 80 km (50 miles), from ionized nitrogen atoms regaining an electron, and oxygen and nitrogen atoms returning from an excited state to ground state. They are ionized or excited by the collision of solar wind particles being funneled down and accelerated along the Earth's magnetic field lines; excitation energy is lost by the emission of a photon of light, or by collision with another atom or molecule:
- oxygen emissions
- Green or brownish-red, depending on the amount of energy absorbed.
- nitrogen emissions
- Blue or red. Blue if the atom regains an electron after it has been ionized. Red if returning to ground state from an excited state.
Oxygen is unusual in terms of its return to ground state: it can take three quarters of a second to emit green light and up to two minutes to emit red. Collisions with other atoms or molecules will absorb the excitation energy and prevent emission. Because the very top of the atmosphere has a higher percentage of oxygen and is sparsely distributed such collisions are rare enough to allow time for oxygen to emit red. Collisions become more frequent progressing down into the atmosphere, so that red emissions do not have time to happen, and eventually even green light emissions are prevented.
This is why there is a colour differential with altitude; at high altitude oxygen red dominates, then oxygen green and nitrogen blue/red, then finally nitrogen blue/red when collisions prevent oxygen from emitting anything. Green is the most common of all auroras. Behind it is pink, a mixture of light green and red, followed by pure red, yellow (a mixture of red and green), and lastly pure blue.
Alangkah eloknya kalau semua benda ni ada kat Malaysia.. kan senang je aku nak pergi. Hurmph! nak pergi tengok benda-benda macam ni semua nya nak pakai duit. I-city pun jauh kat Selangor tu. haish!
Aku tahu semua ni macam tak informative je buat korang kan? I just wanna share what i should share and apa-apa yang kurang, korang tambahkan la ye? :) Thanks! Kalau korang rajin, Google lah semua ye? lagi senang nak tahu macam-macam. Just aku rasa aku patut bersyukur bumi kita ni ada benda-benda indah macam ni. Part II will come soon. Ni baru Part I. :)
p/s: *kindly be reminded that all the pictures in this post aren't mine as i grab them all from Google*
Lastly, peace! :D
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