we are getting closer to the end of Ramadhan and still my appetite stays the same. Nothing changed. Starbucks, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Kolo Mee. ah demmit! apparently trying to lose weight in holy fasting month aren't my thing. gosh. people once told me this:-
If berulamkan air kosong je takkan kurus. kena jugak eksesais. -okay that was actually my inner self telling the real me to stop day dreaming. ada paham? fine. stop with the mumbling, Shana.
oh btw, macaroons caught my attention last few days to Starbucks and guess what, I'm dying to have them melting in my mouth. letting the taste buds pampered. *drooolllllssss*
speaking of which, one of boyfriend's friend are involved in home-based business selling macaroons. oh too bad she's quite far from me. kalau tak, aku rasa hari-hari kot aku pergi beli. muahahaa..buruk perangai. makan je keje aku. mana tak gumuks.
Ili Damia (the owner), the pretty lady from KL *i guess* is the person you should purchase the macaroons from.not saying that the others does not satisfied the desire of having the perfect and best macaroons though but no offence, in my p.o.v Starbucks is still rated as 3/5 in my list. Damia Bites are located at Setiawangsa, Kuala Lumpur. But anyway, i don't think she will have any problems to send those cute fancy tasty macaroons to your door.
say whatever you want but i'm sticking to what i said unless they want to improve it though i must admit it's not that easy for us to please and meet people's standard.
As the tagline, 'A treat for any occasion suitable to your taste buds.'
i'm pretty sure and i do believe that you need to taste them by yourself as me, myself will be getting mine soon. so, people do like this page alright and grab your chance bebeh! Damia Bites

If berulamkan air kosong je takkan kurus. kena jugak eksesais. -okay that was actually my inner self telling the real me to stop day dreaming. ada paham? fine. stop with the mumbling, Shana.
oh btw, macaroons caught my attention last few days to Starbucks and guess what, I'm dying to have them melting in my mouth. letting the taste buds pampered. *drooolllllssss*
speaking of which, one of boyfriend's friend are involved in home-based business selling macaroons. oh too bad she's quite far from me. kalau tak, aku rasa hari-hari kot aku pergi beli. muahahaa..buruk perangai. makan je keje aku. mana tak gumuks.
Ili Damia (the owner), the pretty lady from KL *i guess* is the person you should purchase the macaroons from.not saying that the others does not satisfied the desire of having the perfect and best macaroons though but no offence, in my p.o.v Starbucks is still rated as 3/5 in my list. Damia Bites are located at Setiawangsa, Kuala Lumpur. But anyway, i don't think she will have any problems to send those cute fancy tasty macaroons to your door.
say whatever you want but i'm sticking to what i said unless they want to improve it though i must admit it's not that easy for us to please and meet people's standard.
As the tagline, 'A treat for any occasion suitable to your taste buds.'
i'm pretty sure and i do believe that you need to taste them by yourself as me, myself will be getting mine soon. so, people do like this page alright and grab your chance bebeh! Damia Bites
see how cute they are? xD
suitable for any occasion
come with a simple cute see-through packaging making you feel like munching them all in seconds! *drools*
see? Lollipop pun boleh ni..
last but not least, to Ili sorry if promoting this without you knowing it in the first place. *jangan marah tau* nanti Shana purchase manyak2. :P
help you with what???